Make a Sign

Make a sign today that says: United We Bargain, Divided We Beg.

From Supermajority Opinion to Supermajority Participation

The Groundwater Guardians are talking to as many County residents as possible. In our discussions so far, we’re convinced that the vast majority (upwards of 90%) wants to stop the Groundwater Grab. This is what’s called asupermajority. The path to securing our future lies in organizing the currently existing supermajorityopinioninto the supermajorityparticipationof as many residents …

From Supermajority Opinion to Supermajority Participation Read More »

Stewards of Our Own Fate

In a democracy, the people rule. The people in Cochise County need to work to become captains and stewards of their fate, especially given the corporate Groundwater Grab happening under our feet. We MUST work to guarantee a groundwater-secure future NOW for ourselves and for generations to come. 

Advocating, Mobilizing, Activating

Advocacy doesn’t involve everyday people, just privileged people (lawyers, experts) pressuring decision makers on behalf of others.  Mobilizing brings larger numbers of people to the fight, but they’re usually the same group of dedicated activists (“the usual suspects”). Activating places the agency for success with a continually expanding base of everyday people. 

Political Leadership

When political leadership lags behind the knowledge of everyday people (as it clearly does now in Cochise County), our collective actions are more important than ever. 

A Human Right

Everyone has the right to live without fear of eviction, removal, displacement, or forced migration. Everyone has the right to remain in their communities, and in their homes, regardless of land-use trends or resource gold rushes.